‘Coz no one cheers you better than you!

Be it a mother, a sister, a daughter or a wife
The hat you wear constantly changes in size and type.
But be proud of which ever you choose to wear,
‘Coz in all of them, you have surely earned your stripe.
Running a household or working out in the gym,
With the spams and floodgates of the every month bleed.
Challenging as it may be, you go on with it,
But sometimes, cheers and kindness is all that you need.
Wear that crimson lipstick or have a baby at 35,
Drop out of school or spend all your youth in bookstores.
You’ll hear all sorts of its too late, too early, too lame or too ugly,
But always remember, the only opinion that matters is yours!
Gender, age — nothing really should inhibit ambition,
So dream big, dream unreasonable, dream high and do it without fear.
Disappointing as it can be to have no approvals or validations,
Wait for it, and you’ll hear ‘Go for it, I’m rooting for you dear!’
There will always be people to encourage you,
Parents, a partner and may be some other few.
But the loudest roar is the one that comes from within,
‘Coz no-one says ‘Give me a J….’ better than you!