Water, oh water, you are a gift so rare
Her beauty is unmatched, in all her forms
From the pitter patter to the waves of a storm.
The tranquility of a lake, or the gushing stream,
She reflects our world that looks like a dream
She quenches a thirst, and gives nourishment to survive
Keeping all living beings beautiful and alive.
As nature’s tear she brightens a spring,
Only for flowers and trees to spread their wings.
She is a source of comfort, a soothing balm,
Washing away worries and helping one calm.
Cleansing our bodies, and refreshing our souls,
She makes us feel full and oh so whole.
Water, oh water, so pure and classic,
Sparkling and glimmering, making it look like magic.
Water, oh water, you are a gift so rare
But do we treat you with enough love and care?
Without her, we cannot survive,
Our world would be nothing but a barren lifeless hive.
So let us honor her ability to nurture,
And protect this jewel to continue to enjoy her in the future
I was taking care of a plant for a friend of mine and this specific plant I’d fondly call, Dramebaaz (meaning someone who does a lot of drama). She often would droop all her leaves serving me a reminder to water her, and in a couple hours would rise up and shine like her chirpy self. This got me thinking about the incredible power of water and how understated its importance in our life is. So I decided to shoot this 5 hour time lapse as a tribute to the queen of gifts that our mother has generously provided for us to survive, embody and enjoy 🫶🏻🤗